I put up a new gallery of images I took at the Treasure Valley YMCA Christmas run last Saturday. It was a great event with a lot of personality. Check it out for some grins.
Merry Christmas all!!!
Here’s a clip I found on Chase Jarvis’ blog that blew me away. This chronicles Ian Ruhter‘s mission to turn back the clock and shot LARGE wet plates. The images he creates are amazing. It must be out of this world to watch those images develop out.
Be inspired…
SILVER & LIGHT from Ian Ruhter : Alchemist on Vimeo.
I finally found a gallery tool that I really like. It’s called CE2 Highslide Gallery by TheTurningGate. It is a Lightroom Gallery Plugin.
For my first Gallery using it I added my Boise – Portrait of a City gallery. I picked up a couple of photo books on Boise awhile ago and I was irritated by the lack of quality images. So I decided to see what I could do. I’m just getting started. I went down last Thanksgiving evening and started (2011, not this year). Then my lens broke off the front of my camera which made it difficult to shot. It did give me an excuse to buy a new camera though. So I pulled out my Fuji X100 and finished with that. Then I went down the other morning and got some city waking up shots. I’ll increase the frequency and start adding to this.
Here’s the direct link to the gallery. You can also link to it through the Gallery Page.
One very cool function of this tool is that it links to Google Maps. If you click on the globe icon it will open Google Maps to the location I took the picture. Now, my camera does NOT do this for me, but I tried to find the correct coordinates for each picture.