I’m exploring the different options of Photomerge in CS5. I’ll add my notes on that exploration here as I go.
Most of this is from the Adobe help and my own messing around.
How to get to Photomerge in CS5:
File – Automate – Photomerge
How to get to Photomerge from Bridge:
Tools – Photoshop – Photomerge.
Uses all images currently displayed in Bridge. If you only want specific images, select them before starting the command.
How to get to Photomerge from Lightroom 3:
Right Click – …
The CS5 Photomerge dialog screen:
The following is a direct pull from Adobe help on the Photomerge options:
Photoshop analyzes the source images and applies either a Perspective, Cylindrical, and Spherical layout, depending on which produces a better photomerge.
In the case of the examples below, Auto generated a Cylindrical merge.
Creates a consistent composition by designating one of the source images (by default, the middle image) as the reference image. The other images are then transformed (repositioned, stretched or skewed as necessary) so that overlapping content across layers is matched.
Reduces the “bow?tie” distortion that can occur with the Perspective layout by displaying individual images as on an unfolded cylinder. Overlapping content across files is still matched. The reference image is placed at the center. Best suited for creating wide panoramas.
Aligns and transforms the images as if they were for mapping the inside of a sphere. If you have taken a set of images that cover 360 degrees, use this for 360 degree panoramas. You might also use Spherical to produce nice panoramic results with other file sets.
Aligns the layers and matches overlapping content and transforms (rotate or scale) any of the source layers, without any distortion/adjustments.
Aligns the layers and matches overlapping content, but does not transform (stretch or skew) any of the source layers. Best choice for well captured images – everything is square on, perfectly aligned.
Finds the optimal borders between the images and create seams based on those borders, and to color match the images. With Blend Images Together turned off, a simple rectangular blend is performed. This may be preferable if you intend to retouch the blending masks by hand.
Spherical with Blend Off:
Collage with Blend Off:
Vignette Removal
Removes and performs exposure compensation in images that have darkened edges caused by lens flaws or improper lens shading.
Geometric Distortion Correction
Compensates for barrel, pincushion, or fisheye distortion.